Redi Media Timo – Leste (RMTL) mosu atu sai inspirasaun ba ema hotu, sai husi problema ne;ebe ema humanu babain sira hasoru. Liu husi solusaun ne’ebe iha no buka solusaun atu bele hatan ba preokupasaun tomak ne’ebe komunidade sira infrenta iha sira nia moris loro – loron. Ne’ebe mai husi impaktu ekonomia sosia, Justisa, kultura hanesan sai dezafia ba ema kbiit laek sira ne’ebe la iha lian. RMTL hanesan meu ida hodi guia no bale informasaun tomak hodi fanun ema seluk hodi bele fo apoiu solidaridade, ba maluk sira ne’ebe volnurabel tebes. No mos ho inisiativa halo monitorizasaun halo kontrolu ba Issue sosial ekonomia, justisa, Meu ambiente, Biodiversidade, Egualidae Jeneru, dame no demokrasia ba dezenvolvimentu sustaintavel ba povu no nasaun Timor – Leste. Liu husi Plataforma solusaun Journalismu.
Se mak ami (Vizaun)
RMTL mak redi media informasaun ba ema tomak iha Timor – Leste no mos global.
Saida mak ami halo (Misaun)
- RMTL nia papel mak halo peskiza, monitorizasaun no halo reportazen Konta istoria no investigasaun kona-ba Issue sosial no halo kontrolu sosial kona-ba Ekonomia dezenvolvementu sutentavel ba ema tomak iha Timor – leste, nia vida moris Humana ho dignu.
- Atu promove no enkoraja grupu marzinalizadu ne’ebe defini hanesan, Feto, Joventude, Lideransa Komunitariu, etniku minoria, ema ho difesiente no komunidade babain ka povu kbit’it laek sira. Dezenvolvimentu husi konservasaun no Biodiversidade no Issue sosial sira seluk liu husi hakerek storia Solusaun Journalismu ne’ebe halo kobertura husi Journalista otas nurak sira.
- Hasae konsensia ema nian liu liu ba iha konservativa no issue biodiversidade no issue sosial sira seluk liu husi plata forma solusaun ba journalimu.
- RMTL nia servisu atu fo tulun ba komunidade kiik sira, liu husi peskiza media atu bele fo solusaun ba problema ne’ebe mak sira infrenta. Liliu impaktu sosial ekonomia, justisa, Kultura, Edukasaun, Saude, Egualidade generu, Meuambiente, agrikultura, Biodiversidade no Boa governasaun. Ne’ebe dala barak sira la koalia sai. Tamba ne’e RMTL hakarak servisu habesik liu ba sira, hodi buka dalan hamutuk ba obstaklu ne’ebe sira hasoru iha moris loron – loron nian. Liu husi meus konta storia no reportajen investigasaun.
Redi Media Timor – Leste, In English (Timor – Leste Media networking) is a network for everyone and also an aspiration for the people of Timor – Leste and the world. With the aim of bringing out the problems that ordinary people face. Through existing solutions and finding solutions so that they can answer all the worries that the community experiences in their daily lives. Which comes from social impact and other issues, which become obstacles for the weak who do not speak. Therefore, RMTL is like a way out to talk and bring out information to benefit the community in order to support solidarity with weak friends. And also has the initiative to conduct monitoring and control on socio-economic issues, justice, environment, biodiversity, gender equality, peace and democracy and also good governance to economic development sustaiable. To Timor – leste peoples and nation. Trough of solution journalism, International platform.
Who we are (Vision)
RMTL is media networking for all the peoples in Timor -Leste and also global.
What we do (Mission):
- The role of RMTL is to conduct research, monitor and produce investigative reports and tell stories about social issues that create challenges for the small communities to provide them solutions. And controlling sustainable socio-economic life development for the life of the people of Timor – Leste in general.
- To promote and encourage marginalized groups defined as women, youth, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities or persons with disabilities. Development of conservation and biodiversity through Solution Journalism writing stories that are covered by young journalists.
- Raise public awareness on conservation and biodiversity issues, trough on Solution Journalism.
- RMTL assignment is to care to small peoples, trough of media research will have solution to small communities who face the problems. Especially for social economy, social justice, culture, education, health, gender equality, environments, peace democracy and good governance. Where affected to volneravel peoples life. Because of that RMTL would like to work closely with them. To fine way how to solve to challenges’ who face with their daily life, trough of the manner telling story and investigation news report.